To register for classes click on the Class Registration button below the Class Coordinator on the right-hand side.
Class Coordinator
Linda Husson
Niki Levien
Diane Lange
Lavonda Herring
Barb Siegel
4 pm Distance
- 5 pm Competition
- 6 pm Intermediate II / Competition
- 7 pm Competition
10 am Competition
11 am Intermediate II
12 pm Intermediate I
3 pm Advanced Beginner
4 pm Competition
5 pm Intermediate II / Competition
6 pm Intermediate I
4 pm Intermediate II
5 pm Competition
6 pm Competition
7 pm Advanced Beginner
4:30 pm Beginner
5:30 pm Advanced Beginner
7 pm Intermediate I
8 pm Intermediate II
​Current session
Starts 3/17/25
6-Week Session
​Current session
Starts 3/18/25
6-Week Session
​Current session
Starts 3/18/25
6-Week Session
​ Current session
Starts 3/19/25
6-Week Session
​ Current session
Starts 3/20/25
6-Week Session
No class on 4/17/25
Make up class on 5/1/25
Class Fees
1 Dog
$23 per class session
2 or More Dogs
$21 per class session for second or subsequent dogs with the same handler
If you pay with PayPal there are additional fees added to your total.
Associate and Non-Members:
1 Dog
$27 per class session
2 or More Dogs
$25 per class sesson for second or subsequent dogs with the same handler
If you pay with PayPal there are additional fees added to your total.
Class Descriptions
This will include Introduction to all equipment. Fundamental dog and handler skills. Short, simple sequences. Obedience skills as needed. By the end of the session dogs should be confidently performing all the equipment at some level. The 1-hour class will have either 6 or 8 dogs depending on the number of instructors.
Advanced Beginner
Dogs should have been introduced to all pieces of equipment and are comfortable with most of them, though not necessarily at full height. Seesaw may still need assistance and weave poles are still being taught. Dogs should be able to stay with the handler for short sequences off leash. This class will develop equipment fluency (dogs), handling and teamwork “building block” skills and work on longer sequences. Dogs with overall confidence or motivation issues should stay in the Beginner class for another session. The Advanced Beginner class will be repeated until the dog meets the standards required for the next level. No dog will be able to progress to the next level without a reliable recall.
Intermediate 1
Dogs should be fluent on all equipment – may still need work on weaves but the dog should be working in a channel or tilted poles. Dogs must be able to work sequences completely off-leash. They must also have a reliable recall. This is a “pre-competition” level class, regardless of whether or not the teams intend to compete. This class will continue to build teamwork and enable handlers to develop basic handling and course strategy skills.
Intermediate 2
For dogs competing in Novice/Level 3-4 or able to successfully run a Novice/Level 3-4 course. There should be no major equipment issues at this level.
​For dogs competing in Excellent/Elite/Masters/Level 5-C or able to successfully run an Excellent/Elite/Masters/L5-C level course.
For dogs familiar with basic sends (Novice FAST, Gamblers, Chances, lower-level Jackpot). Will focus on increasing distance to get dogs ready for upper-level distance challenges and using distance to increase speed in regular classes.
Instructor Biographies
Linda Husson
I have been involved in dog training since 1986, having acquired my first dog of my own and realizing I needed to learn about dog behavior and training pretty quickly to deal with my neurotic puppy mill Sheltie. I decided to enter her in obedience competitions after being told she would never be able to earn a title, and she defied the odds and went on to earn the Utility Dog title in both the US & Canada (highest level in obedience). My second Sheltie “Teddie” became an AKC Obedience Trial Champion, and my passion for dog training was firmly established. I became an Obedience instructor and learned more about dog behavior from seminars with expert behaviorists. In the early 90s, Agility was just getting established in the USA and Teddie became my first Agility dog. I drifted away from competitive obedience as agility became my addiction, but I still believe in a good obedience foundation as a pre-requisite for agility. The relationship that is built once you begin to communicate with your dog through training is priceless.
I began to co-teach agility classes around 1995, and started attending many camps and seminars to expand my knowledge. I have had the privilege of working with some of the best trainers in the world, and I am continuing to learn from a number of OneMindDog Coaches, embracing what the dogs understand naturally. The sport is always evolving and it’s true what OMD says, “Learning is Infinite”.
Over the years I have discovered that the best teachers we have are the dogs themselves. They have so much to tell us if we observe and listen. I have my favorite methods for training behaviors but like to keep an open mind to help teams with individual strengths and weaknesses. Most important to me is to keep it fun and to focus on positive reinforcement, and I will always advocate for the dogs. I have worked with a variety of breeds and they continue to teach me so much. While my own dogs are Border Collies, a few have come with their own challenges, such as phobias, sensitivities and reactivity; every single one has expanded my understanding in some way.
I love competing as it drives me to improve, but I am happy to work with all students regardless of goals as every dog deserves to be trained properly and safely.
I have been a member of Tri-State Dog Obedience Club since 1986; I have served on the Board for many years and currently serve as Secretary. I have been the Training Director for over 25 years and have been teaching agility classes there since the mid-90s.
USDAA (United Stated Dog Agility Association) continues to be my favorite organization, having entered my first competition in 1994. I also compete in AKC Agility on a limited basis after having spent several years in AKC Obedience. Between 2005 and 2012 I competed in Flyball, with 4 different dogs. I have dabbled in herding as well.
Since 1994, I have competed in agility with 9 dogs (1 Sheltie, 8 Border Collies). Seven dogs have earned the title of USDAA Agility Trial Champion, and 5 have earned Lifetime Achievement Awards of various levels, including one LAA-Gold, earned by Dandy, which is 350 qualifying runs in Masters level classes. Dandy has also earned the AKC MACH (Master Agility Champion) title. Dezi has been in the USDAA Top 10 for 2016, 2017 & 2018 and was a 2017 National Steeplechase Finalist. Dandy and Dezi have both competed internationally for Team Australia; the Australian handlers cannot compete outside of Australia with their own dogs due to quarantine regulations so they need to borrow dogs to compete internationally. I traveled to Europe twice and got to see my dogs demonstrate their skills on the world stage with a talented handler which was an amazing experience on many levels.
Collectively, my dogs have earned well over 200 titles in USDAA Agility, plus numerous titles in AKC Agility & Obedience, and NAFA Flyball.
Niki Levien
Diane Lange
always loved being around animals and my first exposure to dog training was as a child, when my Aunt took me with her unruly mixed breed to dog training classes where I watched fascinated perched amongst the German Shepherds.
Many years later, on Christmas morning, my first American Eskimo Delilah escaped the front door. I had to chase her through my neighbors’ backyards in my pajamas. The next month, we enrolled in a basic obedience class and so my journey began.
My dog training experience spans 20 years of competition in Obedience and Agility with over 15 years of instructing either Obedience and/or Agility from Beginner Foundation to Master Competition. During my obedience career I competed locally and nationally at the AKC Obedience Invitational and the Illini Association Obedience Regional and Classic Tournaments against the top handlers in the country with both my American Eskimo dogs who consistently placed in the top ten of their division.
After completing her Obedience UDX title, I took Delilah to an 8 week Agility class with Barbara Miller, then entered my first AKC Agility Trial, qualified and placed in Novice Standard. (A very lucky combination of a highly trained dog and the simple Novice courses at the time.) But what drew me to Agility, from the precision of competitive obedience, was the freedom to strategize a course and run with my dogs. And all my dogs love the game as much as I do!!! The sport of Dog Agility has grown in so many ways and has taught me so many important life lessons. In Agility, I compete locally, but also have the honor to compete at AKC Agility Invitational where only the top 5 in the country of any breed are invited.
My philosophy is train the dog you have. I believe in a balanced approach and working with that particular dog or handler to keep them engaged and learning. I do have a basic foundation training program, but really try to “read” the dog and handler so to better enhance their training experience. I enjoy teaching beginner dogs and their owners, watching them master the obstacles, developing handling skills, the confidence from both dogs and owners and sharing the happy moments whether it be ‘Fido’ finally did the 20 foot tunnel or a first qualifying run and ribbons or a first Master Champion. It is all about the journey.
I have been an instructor at Staten Island Companion Dog Club, K9 Campus and Skyline Agility. I have been an active member of various dog clubs including Staten Island Companion Dog, Skyline Agility Club, Garden State Golden Retriever, NE American Eskimo Club and the Norwegian Buhund Club of America. I have volunteered my time as President, Agility Director, Assistant Obedience Training Director and other Committee positions. With Donna Anderson, I also manage Paws Up On Health, an all natural pet product business.
Currently I have earned titles in the following venues: AKC Master Championship, USDAA Master, NADAC Elite, UKC AGII and dabbled in both CPE Agility and UKI Agility. I have also done some herding and have had two dogs finish their Breed Championships in the conformation ring. While many leashes of many breeds have passed through my hands, and I have had purebreds, mixed breeds and rescues, my current partners are Norwegian Buhunds and Golden Retrievers.
Current Agility Accomplishments:
5 time Invitee to AKC Agility Invitational with 5 Top Breed Awards
5 Master Agility Championship (MACH) Titles with 6th and 7th in progress
Golden Retriever Club of America Agility Dog Hall Of Fame Award
Numerous local trial placements, ribbons and awards
Every time I step to start line with my dogs….. priceless
Lavonda Herring
MS. LAVONDA L. HERRING of Lagrangeville, New York has titled dogs in conformation, obedience, agility, flyball, Schutzhund, barn hunt, and lure coursing. Ms. Herring has handled dogs in a majority of the jump heights. She is currently running a rescued Australian Cattle Dog and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. In addition, her dogs have been featured in commercials, music videos, and magazines.
Ms. Herring started judging AKC Agility more than 21 years ago. When the AKC agility program started she knew right away it was something she wanted to be involved with. She enjoys watching all of the many different breeds in agility and is continually amazed at the willingness and athleticism of the dogs as well as the incredible teamwork between the handler and the dog. As a judge watching the handlers and their dogs having fun is a great job. This year, 2020, she has taken on her first judging assignment as one of the two Agility Masters judges at Westminster.
In addition, Lavonda is a member of Skyline Agility Club and has been an instructor for a number of years.
Barbara Siegel
Barbara’s dog career started in 1974 managing a breed kennel and showing in conformation. Through the years she has trained and showed in obedience and agility - CGC/TDI, Rally, AKC and USDAA. At Bobbie Bhambree’s North-East Regional Dog Training Academy she had hands on dog work and apprenticeship with Karen Reilly, Nancy Field and Mary Horn in Manners and with Kris Seiter and Chris Tucci in Agility.
In more recent years Barbara continued training in obedience and agility, along with scent work and herding. Her dog, Ivan, earned his AKC Masters Preferred Bronze and Masters Jumpers Preferred and is still going at 11 years young!
When Barbara isn’t training her Golden Retriever (her 6th agility dog) in agility and field work, she gives private lessons in pet manners and foundation agility (since 2014) to puppy through adult dogs at her home agility field.